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Multiversion Build

The default vitepress build is great but sometimes you want your build to generate multiple versions of your docs to keep track of stable releases, edge releases and the last commit dev release.


Check out this guide for a complete tutorial on setting up multiverion build!

It can also be useful to store older versions of your docs for posterity and other #devreasons.

Enter multiversion-vitepress-build a node bin we ship with that you can invoke with either multiversion-vitepress-build or with the mvb alias.

npx mvb


By default it will look in docs for the <root> but you can set this as needed.

Usage: [CI=1] multiversion-vitepress-build <root> \
  [--base <base>] \
  [--build <alias>] \
  [--match "<match>"] \
  [--no-cache] \
  [--out-dir <dir>] \
  [--satisifes "<satisfies>"] \
  [--version-base <dir>] \
  [--debug] \

  --base             sets site base [default: /]
  --build            uses this version alias for main/root build [default: stable]
  --match            filters versions from git tags [default: "v[0-9].*"]
  --no-cache         builds all versions every build [default: "false"]
  --out-dir          builds into this location [default: docs/.vitepress/dist]
  --satisfies        builds versioned docs in this semantic range [default: "*"]
  --version-base     builds versioned docs in this location [default: /v/]
  --debug            shows debug messages
  -h, --help         displays this message

Environment Variables:
  CI                 installs in CI mode (e.g. does not prompt for user input)

To better understand the options we recommend you check out the mvb config which will also set the default values for the options above.


# run with default options or those set in the siteConfig
npx mvb

# build a narrow range of previous docs and use stable as the primary build
# build from a different directory
npx mvb old_docs --build stable --satisfies ">=1.0.0 <1.0.4"

# build all versions into a separate directory
npx mvb --satisfies "*" --version-base "/all-versions/"

# rebuild all versions from scratch
npx mvb --no-cache

# get usage/help
npx mvb --help